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Terms and Conditions

In order to explain matters in this statement as clearly as possible, each time reference is made to any of these terms are strictly defined if:

"This website": www.recipes-tube.com
"YouTube": www.youtube.com
"Creator": User / uploader of / on YouTube
"Embed player": A video player provided by YouTube to display videos on websites outside YouTube's website
"Embed video": Video from YouTube that a creator has released to display on other websites in a YouTube embed player

This website ( www.recipes-tube.com ) is a system where you can watch embedded videos from YouTube. It is a collection of videos that you as a user can watch via an embed player, loaded from YouTube. All these videos are made by creators on Youtube.com and these videos are with the permission of the creators released via the embed option.


Because these creators have the "embed video" setting "turned on" on YouTube, they give the right to have these videos displayed on other websites in an embedded video player script from YouTube. All creators are aware of the possibilities that embed videos have, including the possibility for other websites to play their videos in an embed video player from YouTube. The creator has the choice on Youtube whether videos can be played on other websites or not.

This embed video player script is provided for free by YouTube and is free to use for everyone. All videos shown on this website, including the photos that go with the videos (thumbnails), are not owned by this website. These photos and videos are owned by YouTube and the creators according to YouTube guidelines. We show the thumbnail of a video with the aim of giving the user an impression of a video. Again, we do not own these photos and videos. The photos and videos on this website are all loaded from YouTube and its servers.

There are no materials ( photos and videos ) stored on this server / website, originating from YouTube. All videos and thumbnails are loaded only from servers owned by Youtube.

We fully follow YouTube's guidelines and use the option to show embedded videos to our visitors to this website. Should a creator disagree that his or her videos become shown on this website, then the owner of the material can disable the "embed video" option on YouTube in the creator department. Should a creator disable this "embed video" option, this website will automatically stop showing the videos as soon as possible. It is up to the creator himself to withdraw the permission individually at any moment. There is even the possibility to specifically block this website on YouTube, you can read on Youtube how to do this. After a possible blockage of this website, this website will automatically, as soon as possible, no longer show the relevant videos.


- This website does not own all visible photos and videos on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website does not claim any photos or videos on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website does not re-upload photos and videos on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website does not sell content / photos / videos on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website does not misuse photos and videos for other purposes on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website does not edit photos and videos on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website is not responsible for the content of any photo or video on this website, originating from YouTube.
- This website sends update e-mails containing thumbnails of videos loaded from YouTube's server.
- This website has no materials ( photos and videos ) present / stored on this server / this website of creators, originating from YouTube.
- This website does not earn any revenue from advertisements displayed in the videos in the embed player loaded from YouTube's server.

The embed video players present on this website are original, not modified and placed according to the guidelines of YouTube. All options in this one player originate and are the responsibility of YouTube. We are not liable for the operation of these embed players / scripts. If there is something wrong with these players / scripts, which may result in damage or other undesirable things, for example, YouTube is solely responsible, as this is an original script from YouTube.


Should it happen that a creator, present on our website, falsely shows / claims a video that is not owned by the creator and has uploaded it on his own channel, the owner of this video must contact YouTube about this. YouTube is the only one that can remove copyright violations ( and all violations according to YouTube's own policy ) from its platform, and only YouTube can hold the respective creator liable.

We are not responsible for photos or videos uploaded in violation of YouTube's policy. Creators on YouTube can nor hold us liable for their own embed videos or those of others. YouTube is solely responsible for its own users and the service to show videos via the embed players for websites such as this one. We are also not responsible if a creator uploads misleading, shocking, discriminatory or hateful content, all videos are from YouTube with YouTube's usage guidelines. It is of course possible that a video with misleading, shocking, discriminatory or hateful content slips through, this is the responsibility of YouTube. We therefore do not immediately show the videos on this website, so that YouTube has more time to review the newly uploaded video. Should it happen that a channel / creator uploads misleading, shocking, discriminatory or hateful content, this website cannot be held responsible for this.

If anyone believes that there is a copyright violation on our website ( photo / video ), we refer this complaint to Youtube.com with their terms and conditions via: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2807622?hl=en


If a video, present on this website, is deleted by the owner on YouTube, is made private or the video is no longer available in your country, the video will no longer be shown on this website. Also when a creator has completely disabled the embed video option. You can recognize videos that are no longer playable by the grey thumbnail. This video will no longer be visible on this website in a short time.

We are not part of YouTube, we do not claim to be part of YouTube. We also do not own parts of YouTube ( photos, videos, embed players, cookies from YouTube ), we do not claim any photos, videos, parts or scripts that come from YouTube. We fully respect and follow YouTube's policy and will not deviate from anything.

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